Why Invest

The Company has a portfolio of projects in highly prospective terranes.

  • Exploration within an underexplored region of the world-renowned Yilgarn Craton
    • Presents a rare exploration play over multiple greenstones belts with proven mineralisation potential for gold, iron ore, lithium, nickel and Cu-Zn-Ag massive sulphides.
    • Over 650 km2 of highly prospective ground.
    • Five camp scale prospects with promising lithostructural settings and proven gold mineralisation.
    • Walk up targets defined - Shallow high-grade gold and silver intercepts with limited follow up work, open along strike and at depth.
  • Exploration within the Laverton Gold Province, an exceptionally well-mineralized terrane in the Eastern Goldfields
    • Excellent opportunities for discovery near operating mills.
    • Compelling under-cover gold and nickel targets identified.
    • The Laverton region hosts several important gold and nickel deposits including Sunrise Dam (>10Moz), Wallaby (> 8Moz), Granny Smith (>2Moz, closed) and Lancefield (>2Moz, closed), Windara Nickel (combined 85K tonnes nickel sulphide).
    • Lynas Rare Earth also operates the Mt Weld Rare Earth Element (REE) operation only 2 kms to the south.
  • Exploration in the highly prospective Lachlan Fold Belt
    • Rock Lodge project has possible affinity with the Intrusion Related Gold System (IRGS) style of gold mineralization
  • Nelson Bay Iron Project on care & maintenance pursuing re-permitting